I found our family pics, and some from Halloween. Logan was the cutest penguin!! I also had my 27th birthday on December 17th, and it was great. Alex planned for us to go and do what we did when he proposed but the weather was bad:( Thought that counts! I cant believe I'm 27, feels weird. And old.
Bday lunch at Chilis:)
Logan's gift to daddy:)
reppin his new haircut!
Logan's new chair!
Wow, it has been way too long since I have posted anything. And there is so much to tell! But in a nutshell... we moved back to California in August, we are living in San Jose and Alex is in school, and waiting to get into a police academy. We definitely missed being in California so it has been so nice being home, and we're not upset we're missing the Utah winter:) But on a bigger note, Logan turned ONE!! I can't believe my little baby isn't a baby anymore. His birthday was on October 23, and we actually got to spend it in Disney Land for Alex's family trip. He did great, and we had so much fun, it was a great and fun trip! When we got back home from our trip, my father in law told us we were going to the World Series! So him, Lexi, Alex and I went and it was a KILLER game, Giants destroyed them and we had so much fun. Another check off the bucket list!
For Thanksgiving, we went to my parents and of course had a great time and a delicious meal. And for Christmas we also went to my parents and all of my sisters and their families came and it was the first time we were all together since April. WAY too long. But it was soooo much fun! Stacey and Nate are living in Iowa for school so it was great to finally see them. Logan had a great Christmas and liked opening his presents. My dad got my sisters and I matching pj's, I think that's the first time we've ever done that..it was cute. We stayed there for about a week and a half and it was a great break, and it's always relaxing when we go to Gridley. I love getting out of the big city and going to my low key small town. My sister, Katie, took family pictures of us that I still need to upload, so I will do those soon. For New Years..we probably did what most parents do with kids..nothing. Ha. We stayed at my parents and watched Godzilla with my dad and Stacey and Nate. At least we liked the movie. And went to bed at 11:00...oh well!

Two months ago, Alex's cousin, Brittany, took some family pictures for us and we love them! Such a beautiful destination and it was a lot of fun, and Logan was a champ. He was 6 months in these photos:) Here are some of my favorites.