For Christmas we went to Utah with Alex's family and got to see A LOT of family. It was really fun seeing his sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins. My sister lives in Twin Falls, ID and we drove up there on the 23rd to visit them and stayed the night and left the next day. Miss you guys already! We had our Christmas on Christmas Eve in our hotel because Alex's sister had work in the morning but it was still fun. Alex's dad decorated their hotel room and got a little mini Christmas tree to make it feel a little more "Christmasy" and he did a great job. Christmas day we went to his cousin's house and had dinner, played white elephant (Alex got a DVD/VHS player! Woo!) We also got to meet his cousin Becca's new baby boy, Jaime, and it was so fun to see the size difference between him and Logan. Made me miss my baby being that small!! It was cool to have a white Christmas but it's really cold, haha. But! I better start getting use to it because Alex got a job offer in Bountiful that he couldn't refuse. We will be moving there in about ten days. It's definitely bittersweet, we're really sad to meet California, but this is something that we feel strongly to do. We'll be a lot closer to our sisters, and his cousins which will be a lot of fun. The only sad part about our trip was Alex had a really weird reaction to the change in altitude and his wisdom teeth were really giving him pain and ended up having to take him to the hospital in Elko, NV. He was on pain meds the whole trip until the very end the pain was unbearable. Luckily he was able to call to try and get an appointment to have them taken out and got in on Friday morning. He's recovering well, I was hoping for more funny comments, but the poor guy was just really grumpy haha.
For New Years, we went to Chico and went out to eat at Olive Garden and Logan stayed asleep the whole time. Woo! We went to the mall and shopped around, but then we had to go to Logan's 2 month check up. We were both really dreading it because we didn't want to see him in pain. Seeing him get his shots was terrible but Alex held him after to comfort him. Took him a bit to calm down but he finally did and was his smiley self.
Ok! So I am 2 months post pardom and with the new year I'm making it a big priority to get my body back. It took a big toll with my pregnancy but I know I can do it. And to also remember to take more pictures :)
Logan's blessing day. December 1, 2013
Baby Trey and Logan!
Dec. 17 was my birthday, and hanging with this guy was the best present. I'm 26, WOW.
I promise he had a good Christmas :)
Poor Alex after his teeth got pulled. Great picture though!
Before he got his shots :(
Here's to 2014!