
Sunday, November 24, 2013


    I cannot believe my baby is already one month!! Time sure does fly by, so I'm really trying to remember and treasure each moment with him. I can already see how much he's grown, and his cute, little skinny legs are finally starting to fill out and get some rolls, along with the rest of his body. He is definitely my little mini me. He looks just like me when I was a baby. And I always say I deserve it, with everything I went through. haha. But he does have Alex's lips :) He is a really good baby though, and sleeps great! Which I think is a huge blessing. Since day one he would only wake up about 1-2 times throughout the night, and in the beginning we would have to wake him up so he wouldn't go too long without eating. He usually goes between 3-6 hours at night. So I'm not too sleep deprived. Alex is a big help, too. He get's up, changes him, and then I take him to go eat. He never complains either, always willing. I'm lucky to have such a helpful husband.
   Logan is starting to be more physical and facial with his expressions. My favorite is when he drifts off into sleep he does all sorts of different smiles. It is so adorable. The other night my dad made a noise at him and he smiled at him, and I cant wait til he's smiling and laughing all the time. I always tell him, "one day you'll think I'm funny", haha. I am loving being a mom! It is really a great blessing, and so fun! He's my best friend and I wouldn't have my life any other way. He really has brought a lot of joy into mine and Alex's lives. When he sleeps for a long time, I always miss him. I just want to snuggle all the time! We took him to church once already, it was probably a little soon but I really wanted to show him off and get out of the house. He did great, and we only stayed for the first hour. His blessing is next week while both mine and Alex's families are in town for the holidays, we're so excited!
   As for me, I'm doing really good. Cant wait to start working out again, and getting into shape. It's going to be a good feeling! Here are some pictures of his first month of life :)

I LOVE this picture! Cracks me up. Just chillin' with his hand under his chin. The censored sign is priceless too. 


Friday, November 8, 2013

   October 22, Alex and I head to Chico for our weekly check up appointment, I was 38 1/2 weeks pregnant so I was hoping for some good news and hoping that I had dilated  a centimeter or two. So before I met with our doctor, the nurse took my blood pressure and noticed it was high. My first thought was, "oh my gosh, preeclampsia...". I read up about it a couple weeks prior because my swelling was getting pretty bad and really uncomfortable. So our doctor comes into the room, checks to see if I'm dilated, and of course I'm not even close and then says they found protein in my urine and that I have preeclampsia. I've earned myself a trip to the hospital. I didn't say a word, I was really shocked and in disbelief. When my doctor left I tried to hold back my tears but failed. I was just so scared and of course didn't expect this to happen today. 
   We got to the hospital at 2:45pm and they monitored me for hours. At this point we thought that we were going to get sent home, because it sounded like it was going to be awhile, but of course we were wrong. There was a pill that the nurse inserted me with (I don't remember what it is called) but it was to help me start dilating and get things going. My body reacted really fast to the pill ( thank heavens ) and things were starting to get real. I still couldn't believe that this was really happening. I surprisingly dilated really fast and my contractions weren't too painful, and my nurse comes in and tells me that I can get the epidural if I wanted, and I DID NOT HESITATE. I said yup! I was dilated to a 4 at that point but I was terrified to get it. In my head I was scared I was going to be paralyzed or just something was going to go wrong. So of course I start crying and am shaking and I just rested my head on Alex's chest and tried to take deep breaths. The epidural was actually really painless and easy and it was a great relief!! So now it was just a waiting game. I tried sleeping but I was attached to a blood pressure machine that went off every 15 minutes and there was just no hope. I was so tired but could not fall asleep. My nurse came in and told me I was dilated to a 6, and that was around 2:45am and told me that I'll soon start feeling a lot of pressure in my bum and that's when it's almost time to start pushing. Ten minutes go by and I start feeling A LOT of pressure. I remember my eyes got really wide and thought, "OH CRAP". The nurse came in and I told her I'm feeling a lot of pressure and she told me I had dilated to a 10 and it's go time. I could not believe how fast I had dilated and started thinking, " this is going to be a piece of cake". I was wrong again. 
   So after I start pushing for about 30-45 minutes, my left leg started cramping soooo bad, and it was so painful that it hurt to push. I didn't think I would feel it so much with the epidural but there was nothing I could do at that point. I hated when the contractions came cause my tailbone was also killing me and I was so tired of pushing. After an hour of pushing and having bad cramps, the nurse said to take a break. But when you feel those contractions, you cant help but want to push. So after an hour the nurse comes in and tells me it's go time. I am pushing for another hour and am in so much pain, I hadn't slept in about 22 hours at that point, I'm exhausted, and am just crying. I wanted my baby out but he wasn't coming. I told my nurse I was so tired and was about to surrender to a C-section. She went and got my doctor and he told me that he was going to vacuum him out of me. It happened really fast and  hearing my baby cry was the best feeling ever. They laid him on my chest and after a couple seconds he stopped crying. Alex and I were so emotional, we couldn't stop crying at how perfect he was and that he was finally here. I didn't want to let him go, I was so in love. My doctor had to take me to surgery because of how badly I tore. He told my nurse that I tore in multiple places inside of me and it took almost an hour to stitch me back up. Once I got to my room I had to be put on Magnesium which made me get terrible headaches and made me feel like crap. But being with Alex and my new baby felt so amazing. 
   Logan was born on October 23,  at 6:22am. He was 6 pounds, 15 ounces and 20 inches long. Absolutely perfect. We went home on the 25th and have been doing so well. I noticed my eye sight was really foggy, and that's what happened towards the end of my pregnancy due to my preeclampsia and was surprised it hadn't gone away. My blood pressure was also still up and I was getting worried. I went to my doctor and the receptionist and nurse told me that my doctor told them that I was one of the hardest deliveries/recoveries he had ever seen. I had no idea, I couldn't believe it. They said he felt really bad for me and couldn't believe how hard everything was for me. Made me a little scared for my next pregnancy (which wont be for a long time, I never want to go through that again!), and it also made me feel really strong and like a go getter. Haha. 
   I am healing well, and my vision is getting better. Logan is such a good baby and sleeps like a champ! I love him so much and still cant believe he's mine. I am so grateful for Alex and for a big help he has been. He was so great in the hospital and I could not have done this without him. He is a great dad and loves Logan so much. I am very lucky! Everyone says Logan looks like me and I reply, "I deserve it". I went through hell! But of course, as all women say, it was definitely worth it. :)

Friday, September 27, 2013


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Boy oh boy.... 35 weeks, I cant believe it! Time sure is starting to fly....and go slow at the same time. I've been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing trying to get things in order. I cant help it! I feel like i cant sit down cause there's too much to do and who knows when this child will decide to come. He's obviously having a good time in there, kicking my ribs, hitting my bladder, and having the hiccups. It's starting to get pretty uncomfortable and tiring though. This is my second day in a row having a constant headache/migraine and I feel like there's hardly anything I can do to get rid of it. The past two nights I've been getting up to pee every 2 HOURS. My insomnia is coming into play as well...there are nights when I cant fall back asleep for 2-3 hours. It usually happens around 3AM, and I go watch some FRIENDS on tv, haha. But then again, it's probably a really good preparation for when my boy comes. So I'll take it... Even with all the side affects that come into play with pregnancy, I am so excited to have this baby and to start an eternal family with Alex. We couldn't be more nervous, happy, scared, and ecstatic at the same time! And we just got word that our stroller/car seat will be here for pick up on October 7! Yeah! But I really wish I could see my sisters though. I feel like an only child over here! It's hard living so far away from them, and they all coincidentally live in Idaho. But! Jessica and I are both having boys at the same time, and I cant wait for us all to reunite and to show off our new babies! 5 weeks to go!!!! WOOP WOOP! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Baby shower!

So last week was my baby shower. Our first one was in San Jose that his family threw for us, and it was a blast. It was a family one, and we had a yummy bbq and lots of chit chatting. It was a great time, and we got some great gifts! Sadly, I wasn't smart enough to take any pictures from that shower....
Our second shower was last Tuesday and that was a great time as well. My sister Katie and I made some cute decorations which was really fun, and we had it at our family friends house, the Hagberg's. It was nice of them to let us have the shower at their beautiful home, thanks Anne and Lauren! 
Tonight as I was uploading some pictures...I started looking at some old photos of when Alex and I were first married.... Alex walks in and asked what I was doing and I said, "trying to remember what I looked like when I was skinny"! I'm swelling pretty bad, and just in my face is a big difference and I just wanted a reminder of what I'll (hopefully asap) look like after my babe's born :) 

So my sister and I are both pregnant, and due one day apart. As I was gazing at my hideously swollen feet, I sent her and my other sisters a picture and she sent me a picture of her foot back. She said she was a little swollen...I beg to differ! Yes that is (unfortunately) my foot on the right, her's on the left. Maybe if I lived in Idaho with her mine wouldn't be as bad either, haha. I cant believe how much water I'm retaining, and cant wait for it to go away! Six more weeks!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

31 WEEKS!!!!! I cant believe how close I'm getting to finally being done! So far, I haven't had too bad of a pregnancy.... but at the same time, I cant wait for it to be over, haha. My feet and hands are the most swollen, my face is a little bit, but the part that bugs me the most is that my NOSE is swollen!!! I wear my hair up in a bun for the most part because my hair is so thick and it feels like no matter how I style it, I look like a lion, and my face looks up it goes!!! Something that really hurts is my fingers. Every single one, and my knees, elbows, toes, and my feet constantly hurt...especially right when I wake up.  I do miss wearing my wedding ring, and regular fitting clothes, but maternity jeans are so comfortable! All in matter the side affects I'm having, I know that in the end, whenever he decides to arrive (please don't be halloween) it will all be worth it. I cannot wait to hold my baby boy, and to start a new chapter in my life. 


 Labor Day weekend Alex and I went to Fort Bragg for our LAST alone trip before baby gets here. I grew up going here and it's one of my favorite places to go, and Alex has never been, therefore... perfect spot to escape to. And it was so nice to get out of the heat!!! 60-70 degree weather? At 31 weeks pregnant? YES PLEASE! It was such a fun trip, I wish we could have stayed longer but Alex started work on Tuesday, which is great. 

I have to give a big shout out to my baby daddy... I couldn't have asked for a better partner in crime, he is always there for me and helping me out through this pregnancy. He is always there to listen to me whine and complain, and to tell me how good I look. Even though I feel like a swollen hippo! He is so excited to be a dad, and I know he is going to be an amazing one. We both cant wait to be parents and to bring our baby boy into this world. We feel so blessed to be given this opportunity and to have an eternal family. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

We are having a BOY!! We found out yesterday morning and are both so excited. He was moving so much inside of me while having the ultrasound, it's so incredible to see. We saw him sucking his thumb, look at us, give us a thumbs up, and there's a profile picture where you can see his lips....he definitely got those from his dad! Alex went out and bought him these adorable Jordans, and is going to keep them in the car til baby arrives :) I feel him kick everyday, it's like he's a kickboxer or something! He goes crazy! But it's such an amazing feeling, and Alex got to feel him kick for the first time on his birthday, which was such a great experience. He was so happy. I love my baby boy so much already and am so anxious for the next 20 weeks to fly by. I'm half way there!! I need to post some pictures.....SOON!! 

Yep, definitely a boy. He's struttin' his stuff!
Alex is very proud, haha.

 I know this is random..but i thought it was 
a funny picture of her sleeping.
 Happy 24th to my hunk!! Monday, the 10th was his birthday and we had a fun day together. 
I made him pancakes with bacon...we went to lunch at the Olive Garden, went golfing, and
then to dinner at Outback Steakhouse with his fam.

 I woke up early and blew probably around 40 balloons and put them around
the room, so when he woke up he'd be surprised :)
 He LOVES golf, and the 49ers, so I found some 49ers
golf tees!

 Our last exciting event was getting our first new car! Our old one was really poopin out and we found this one for a great deal, and it looks brand new inside. Perfect for baby!!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I am SO EXCITED to finally announce that Alex and I are expecting!!!! It was so hard to keep it a secret because all we wanted to do was tell everybody. But it is now safe to announce it, and we couldn't be happier. I have a video of Alex's reaction after I told him, but my dumb computer wont let me upload it. But while Alex was at work, I took a test and found out and was in shock! So I went out and bought a little onesie and wrapped it up. When he got  home I told him I got him a present, and while he opened it his eyes got big, and he kept whispering, "you're pregnant"? Like 5 times and then he gave a little howl at the end and he was so excited. We both just couldn't believe it. But we feel so blessed! 

Anyways! I am 13 1/2 weeks. I've lost 3.5 pounds. I'm finally starting to feel better since I'm getting into my second trimester. I'm still not really showing yet, I'm excited to start showing, but it's been nice to stay skinny as long as possible, haha. I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl! Even though my prediction is a girl:) I'd be happy either way. I'm due November 1. I cant wait to meet my little peach, and to be a mommy. 

My older sister is also pregnant with her third child and she's due November 2!!! So exciting to share this time with her and to be an Auntie again! In case you're wondering, the baby is looking at you, the head, two little arms, and two little eggs. Cutest little peach, ( that's what Alex and I call him/her since we don't know the sex ). 

Uncle Alex always playing with the neph's :)

 I love my mama bear and our twin hair 

 I love when all my sisters are together. We love our 
93 year old grandma. She's too cute.
 Easter egg hunt time!! Gotta have their
Spiderman eggs :)

 I love this face.

 Great-Grandma Joyce helping Ethan find the eggs.

These pictures are a little late, but we finally got a second cord for our  computer cause our other one broke. So this is from Easter weekend, and the boys going on their easter egg hunt! It was inside because of the rain, but we all still had a blast. It's so fun watching the boys enjoy themselves, I remember having easter egg hunts with my sisters, such good memories :) They both got a dollar in each egg, they obviously loved that part too. On Monday we all drove to Chico and went bowling. I think they boys did better than my sister Katie....haha, but it was fun watching everyone get gutterballs, strikes, and watching my dad and Alex get upset about their performance. It was too bad that Shane and Nate couldn't come, but I cant wait for us all to be together again because we have the best time!! I have the best family ever :)