31 WEEKS!!!!! I cant believe how close I'm getting to finally being done! So far, I haven't had too bad of a pregnancy.... but at the same time, I cant wait for it to be over, haha. My feet and hands are the most swollen, my face is a little bit, but the part that bugs me the most is that my NOSE is swollen!!! I wear my hair up in a bun for the most part because my hair is so thick and it feels like no matter how I style it, I look like a lion, and my face looks fatter....so up it goes!!! Something that really hurts is my fingers. Every single one, and my knees, elbows, toes, and my feet constantly hurt...especially right when I wake up. I do miss wearing my wedding ring, and regular fitting clothes, but maternity jeans are so comfortable! All in all....no matter the side affects I'm having, I know that in the end, whenever he decides to arrive (please don't be halloween) it will all be worth it. I cannot wait to hold my baby boy, and to start a new chapter in my life.

Labor Day weekend Alex and I went to Fort Bragg for our LAST alone trip before baby gets here. I grew up going here and it's one of my favorite places to go, and Alex has never been, therefore... perfect spot to escape to. And it was so nice to get out of the heat!!! 60-70 degree weather? At 31 weeks pregnant? YES PLEASE! It was such a fun trip, I wish we could have stayed longer but Alex started work on Tuesday, which is great.
I have to give a big shout out to my baby daddy... I couldn't have asked for a better partner in crime, he is always there for me and helping me out through this pregnancy. He is always there to listen to me whine and complain, and to tell me how good I look. Even though I feel like a swollen hippo! He is so excited to be a dad, and I know he is going to be an amazing one. We both cant wait to be parents and to bring our baby boy into this world. We feel so blessed to be given this opportunity and to have an eternal family. |
You truly look amazing! You are rockin this pregnancy thing. I am so excited for you guys. You will love being a mommy, there is no greater joy or love that you can feel.... or frustration, anger,etc etc..haha.. but overall the best thing our heavenly father has given us!!
ReplyDeleteawwwwww so sweet! i love that baby already!