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Boy oh boy.... 35 weeks, I cant believe it! Time sure is starting to fly....and go slow at the same time. I've been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing trying to get things in order. I cant help it! I feel like i cant sit down cause there's too much to do and who knows when this child will decide to come. He's obviously having a good time in there, kicking my ribs, hitting my bladder, and having the hiccups. It's starting to get pretty uncomfortable and tiring though. This is my second day in a row having a constant headache/migraine and I feel like there's hardly anything I can do to get rid of it. The past two nights I've been getting up to pee every 2 HOURS. My insomnia is coming into play as well...there are nights when I cant fall back asleep for 2-3 hours. It usually happens around 3AM, and I go watch some FRIENDS on tv, haha. But then again, it's probably a really good preparation for when my boy comes. So I'll take it... Even with all the side affects that come into play with pregnancy, I am so excited to have this baby and to start an eternal family with Alex. We couldn't be more nervous, happy, scared, and ecstatic at the same time! And we just got word that our stroller/car seat will be here for pick up on October 7! Yeah! But I really wish I could see my sisters though. I feel like an only child over here! It's hard living so far away from them, and they all coincidentally live in Idaho. But! Jessica and I are both having boys at the same time, and I cant wait for us all to reunite and to show off our new babies! 5 weeks to go!!!! WOOP WOOP!
Hi Whitney! Great update! I'm Heather and I was wondering if you would be able to answer a quick question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com I would greatly appreciate it!